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Why the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women appreciates FVPSA so much

As advocates and other interveners, we often say that battered women are everywhere: in our workplaces, neighborhoods, places of worship, social clubs, schools, and homes.  Yet even today, it’s rare to hear about the victims of battering who are in squad cars after an arrest, in our local jails, in court facing criminal charges, on probation, in our prisons, or returning to our communities after incarceration.  In many communities, these victims of battering are invisible. 

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The National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women (NCDBW), an organization that works with victims of battering charged with crimes related to their abuse, received its first FVPSA grant in 1993.  Even back in the early 1990s, the FVPSA office was committed to supporting all domestic violence survivors including those with open criminal charges, serving time in jail or prison, or returning to their communities after incarceration.  By funding a resource center that works with victim defendants, they proved themselves to be true trailblazers – a role they have continued to play over the years on many different issues and with many under-served communities.  FVPSA’s support over the years has been critical to our work at the National Clearinghouse.  Their support has made it possible for us to do all sorts of work to help end the invisibility of victims of battering who are charged with crimes, incarcerated, and/or who have criminal records.  Like us at the National Clearinghouse, FVPSA understands the importance of making sure that all victims of battering have access to supports and services when they need them most.  


FVPSA rocks!  Let’s celebrate FVPSA’s 35 years commitment to supporting all DV survivors including those with open criminal charges, serving time in jail or prison, or returning to their communities after incarceration. 



Click here for more information about the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program. 


The National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women has been honored to be part of the FVSPA-funded Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN) since the network began in 1993.  Click here for more information about the DVRN. 


National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors

540 Fairview Ave N Suite 208

St Paul, MN 55104

1-800-903-0111 ext. 3


© 2021 by the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women

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