Information about upcoming webinars can be found here.
The National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women posts links to our webinar trainings. You will be able to hear the recording of the webinar and see the PowerPoint presentation. Our webinar archive is organized by topic, and within each topic, the webinars are listed chronologically.
Webinar recordings by topic:
Go to Ending Mass Incarceration (EMI) Series Archive
This series is from the Ending Mass Incarceration, Centralizing Racial Justice, Developing Alternatives: The Role of Anti-Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs Project.
Go to When Victims of Battering are Charged with Crimes Series Archive
This series includes webinars about When Victims of Battering Are Charged with Crimes.
This series is from the When Survivors Reenter their Communities after Jail or Prison Project.
Go to Expert Witness Series Archive
This series is from our project to provide information on a range of issues related to being an expert witness in cases involving intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and/or other forms of trauma. It includes webinars for and about community-based advocates who are asked to participate as expert witnesses (for the defense, prosecution, or in other kinds of cases such as civil or family cases or in immigration or administrative hearings), as well as webinars for and about forensic expert witnesses.