Who We Assist
Victims of battering charged with any crime in which their history of abuse is relevant (or potentially relevant) to their legal defense. Please note that we do not provide legal representation to individuals but assist defense team members.
Defense attorneys working with victims of battering charged with crimes at any stage of the case. Assistance is provided free of charge.
Advocates for victims of battering charged with crimes.
Expert witnesses who hope to be or have been called to participate as an expert on behalf of a victim of battering charged with a crime.
Investigators for the defense of victims of battering charged with crimes.
Researchers, members of the media, and others interested in charged, incarcerated, and reentering victims of battering.
We also correspond with hundreds of incarcerated people nationally. As a very small nonprofit organization, we do what we can to answer requests for assistance as promptly as possible but it often takes a long time to get a written response.
Last night I called the police because my partner wouldn't stop hitting me. But they arrested me. What can I do?
--A victim of battering
I'm representing a woman charged with a drug conspiracy. Her co-defendant is her boyfriend. I am pretty sure he abused her. Do you think I should hire an expert?
--Assistant Public Defender
We got a call from a woman who is being held in our county jail. She asked for our help. We've never worked with a woman in jail before. What should we do?
--Anti-domestic violence advocate
I was just called by an attorney to evaluate a woman who has been charged with killing her husband. I've never been an expert witness in a criminal case before. What do I need
to know?
--Expert witness
I'm calling collect from our state prison. Can you help my lawyer with my appeal?
--Incarcerated victim of battering